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There is limited availability for this service!  
We feel extremely blessed to be so popular within our close-knit South Bay community.

Weekly Sessions


ages 6months+

offered year-round,

   Sun-Thu from 9AM-12:30PM, & 2:30-6:30PM ONLY.  

 $110/hour via monthly tuition


If you're a newcomer and unable to take advantage of the current openings listed at the bottom of this page, we’ve established a waitlist for our most requested time slots.  Join the waitlist today to secure a spot when availability opens up! 



Unlike our Boot Camp Program, Weekly Sessions are a long-term commitment. For the best results, we recommend reserving a time that your family can consistently commit to for at least 6 months.


We firmly believe that each swimmer needs time to develop and master their skills. Recognizing that every student progresses at their own pace, our coaches tailor their approach to meet the unique needs of each swimmer. Through patience, individualized attention, and a positive learning environment, we have seen time and time again that this approach leads to the best possible outcomes.


Enrollment in this program is structured similarly to the commitment families make when enrolling a child in preschool or private school. Families pay a monthly tuition to secure their child’s spot on the weekly schedule year-round, with the expectation of consistent attendance.


While we do have scheduled closures for certain holidays throughout the year, we remain open for most calendar holidays (excluding New Year’s Day, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). Notifications of these closures will be sent via email and posted on our website in advance.


Please note that tuition remains the same each month, regardless of holiday closures. However, we do offer make-up sessions in cases where closures occur due to inclement weather, illness among our coaches, or any technical issues with the pool.


- All weekly sessions are taught at a one on one, Student to Coach ratio.  There are no semi-private or group sessions offered.​ 


- We require a minimum booking time of at least 30 minutes per swimmer, regardless of age or skill level.









30 minute sessions:

  • geared towards children of all ages (6 months+)

  • takes place on a weekly basis (excluding some holidays or Coach vacation days)

  • $220 per month​


60 minute sessions:

  • geared towards children over the age of 4 with prior swimming experience

  • takes place on a weekly basis (excluding some holidays or Coach vacation days)

  • $440 per month

Weekly Sessions offered

M-Th from 9AM-12:30PM/2:30-6:30PM,

and Sundays from 9AM-4:30PM.  

There is no recurring weekly swim time offered on Fridays or Saturdays.


Current Availability for Recurring Weekly Sessions:​



Mondays -11:30AM-12PM (30 min session starting March 3)​


Tuesdays - 12-12:30PM (30 min session starting March 4)​​


Tuesdays - 6-6:30PM (30 min session starting March 4)


Wednesdays - 10:30-11AM (30 min session starting March 5)


Wednesdays - 12-12:30PM (30 min session starting March 5)


Wednesdays - 2:30-3PM (30 min session starting June 4)


Thursdays - 11:30AM-12PM (30 min session starting February 6)


Thursdays - 12-12:30PM (30 min session starting February 6)​


Email Us to Claim one of our Open Spots, or to Get on the Waitlist for this Service,

We would love to find the right fit for your family.

Get in touch
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